Our Mission

Wealth Management meets Impact Investments & Startups

Investment in Sustainability, Innovation and Technology
Advisory services for family offices and ultra-high net-worth individuals, to focus on environmental and social sustainability, cutting-edge innovation, and clean technology.

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Our aim, is to lead an innovative approach to living in a zero-emissions world, with clean and free energy for all mankind while making an impact for generations to come. With technology, innovation and sustainability, we can embrace change through constant growth for new ways to educate/train and advance our society, provide new and innovative ways towards the future of mobility, incorporate clean technology in agriculture, and emissions in our energy supply, all the while respecting mother nature. The great turning is upon us!
Incorporating Artificial Intelligence and technology for exponential growth and to help decentralize, democratize and ultimately demonetize. With energy for all, we can feed our nations without greenhouse gas effect, saving our Oceans, and we can look forward for a brighter future.  Guided by Sustainable Development Goals, impact investments are how we start the “engine” and make the change. If not us, Who? If not now, When?
We work toward deploying solutions fast enough to meet the challenges presented by our changing planet, be it environmental, economic or social.The world is changing because we are changing it.


404 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10018

OVERTIME Worldwide © 2021