What We Do


OVERTIME Worldwide supports global entities that place emphasis on the wellbeing of local communities and protecting our planet for future generations. Our projects produce clean energy effectively and efficiently with the emphasis on enhancing environmental impact and minimizing the overall cost of electricity.

We achieve this through renewable energy projects that support new technology and advanced ways of learning. When we focus on innovation, this leads to improved employment rates, increased positive contributions in communities we serve, and provides a brighter future for generation of tomorrow.
We accelerate solutions to climate change, and deploy those solutions in the communities that need them the most. Specifically, by focusing on Africa to ensure that the “final frontier” follows an environmentally conscious approach that most ‘first-world’ countries originally ignored. We help the accessibility of resources for communities and individuals in:
• Food • Agriculture • Healthcare • Education • Financial Services • Connectivity/Cloud Services • Content Distribution

OVERTIME WORLDWIDE projects are Sustainable and Robust, we are focused on:

• Accessibility and affordability of water and electricity
• Measurable accountability of a project's impact
• Deploying innovations that address major social needs
• Making these innovations affordable and accessible
• Delivering positive social outcomes
• Healthy and lucrative business models


We are dedicated to creating jobs in communities and supporting local entrepreneurs. We minimize the cause of poverty and race, gender, age or religious discrimination by supporting social enterprises. Our Impact Investments aim to train our youth, as well as educate the future generation for equal and sustainable employment.


404 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10018

OVERTIME Worldwide © 2021