Asset Management firms offering investment opportunities through an array of specialized solutions in the energy space through Private Equity Funds and Private Investments. Our projects support new technology and innovation, with focus on clean energy - emphasizing positive environmental impact and reducing the cost of electricity. This leads to improved employment rates, increased positive contributions in communities we serve, and provides a brighter future for generation of tomorrow.

OVERTIME Worldwide is committed to helping startups all over the world.

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Tarform’s mission is to set a new standard for two-wheeled transport by developing fully electric, zero-emission premium motorcycles, using sustainable materials and smart connectivity. The company, based both in Brooklyn, New York and in Stockholm, Sweden, unveiled the first concept prototypes at NewLab innovation center in the Brooklyn Navy Yard on October 9th, 2018.

We have raised millions for products, services and industry know-how with $2 million being our smallest ticket in a funding round. From seed-stage funding, to ramping up for an IPO, we are with you from the word GO!

Looking to raise capital for your startup?
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“The day before something is truly a breakthrough, it's a crazy idea.” Peter Diamandis


404 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10018

OVERTIME Worldwide © 2021